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The West Virginia Network of Ethics Committees exists to assist hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and home care agencies improve patient care by identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical conflicts that occur in their health care setting. As detailed below, we provide multiple services to help you in this mission.

I am writing to ask you to become a member or renew your membership in the West Virginia Network of Ethics Committees (WVNEC) for 2025. Application of WVNEC educational offerings improves patient, family, and staff satisfaction; is an antidote against staff moral distress and burnout; and allows you to proactively address issues before they escalate to legal action.

In 2025 membership in WVNEC will provide you with the following benefits:

  1. A tertiary ethics consultation service of experienced ethics consultants to assist you to respond to ethical issues in patient care.
  2. A highly rated, popular, and very well-attended case-based webinar series
  3. A toolkit on ethics consultation for ethics committees and consultants.
  4. A membership discount for all WVNEC educational programs.
  5. A quarterly e-newsletter that discusses complex ethical cases and informs members of the latest developments in clinical medical ethics.

WVNEC is just as vibrant and interactive as ever. If you have let your membership lapse, this is the year to rejoin WVNEC. If you have never been a WVNEC member, please strongly consider becoming one this year. If you have been a faithful WVNEC member, thank you and please continue to be one! In any event, please complete the enclosed form for 2025 WVNEC membership.

How to Join
The yearly membership dues will be $150 for institutions with annual gross revenues of less than $500,000 per year, $250 for those institutions with $600,000 to $5,000,000 per year, and $350 for those institutions in excess of $5,000,000 annual gross revenues. Individual membership will be $25. If you wish to join the Network for 2024, please completing an  Institutional Membership Form or an  Individual Membership Form and send along with your check payable to the West Virginia Network of Ethics Committees.